Sunday, April 4, 2010


Saturday, April 3, 2010

At the last minute, the Primary President in the ward decided we needed to have an Easter Egg hunt for the Primary children. Heidi got the flyers out and there was a pretty decent turn out. Here are some of the pictures of our kids.

Rushing to the under 5 years old area.

Bridger's first find. He wasn't really sure what to do--open it or put it in the bag.

Thatcher showing off his find.
Thatcher, of course, didn't get enough eggs (which he got more than almost everyone else) and started crying and complaining. Fun, eh?

Bridger finding another egg.

Aubrey finding an egg behind the bushes.

Sunday, April 4, 2010.

During the final session of General Conference, we decided that since Bridger was asleep we would try decorating eggs. We hadn't done it for several years due to the younger boys and not wanting to spill. Well, no sooner had we filled the cups up and were ready to dip our first eggs, Bridger comes running in having woke up from his nap. Here are some pictures of the activity. Amazingly, we had no significant spills and very few tears.

Ready, set, go.
Taylor's masterpiece egg.

Bridger dropped his a couple of times--thus the frowny face (on both him AND the egg).

For this activity, Thatcher was all smiles and no tears.
Aubrey concentrating on her multi-color dipping.

Taylor's masterpiece up close and mommy's bee egg.

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